Sunday 24 March 2013

India needs food not Ram Setu


Hindu extremists demand for Ram Setu  the land bridge that connects India to Sri Lanka! Please see the present situation in India. Does the Ram Setu is very essential and important for India? What are the role of Ram Setu? Are they interested about about India ? Who are they? What they want to do ?Are they really love India?

India is one of the poorest countries in the world. The poverty in India isn't just psycological poverty. The poverty in India isn't just emotional poverty. The poverty in India isn't just social poverty. The poverty in India isn't just religious and cultural poverty. The poverty in India is an absolute poverty. The poverty in India involves poverty in every aspect of life.

India is a very poor country and we all know that. However, not so many of us knew how extreme the poverty level was in India. Now it is very clear how extreme the poverty level is in India today. Now it is very clear how poor some Indians are. Now it is very clear how people continue to die from absolute poverty and hunger in India despite numerous efforts to help fight poverty in the world. 

A new multidimensional poverty Index shows that India is far poorer than Africa in both intensity and in number.
The Multidimensional Poverty Index developed by Oxford University (which will appear in the upcoming UNDP human development report) shows that India is far poorer than Africa not just in number but also in intensity. 
The new poverty measure shows that 8 states out of the 29 states in India have more poor people than 26 poorest African countries combined.
The Multidimensional poverty index views poverty from several different angles instead of just GDP figures. 

India like any other developing country is crippled by so many problems. For example, India's population growth rate is increasing by the day putting pressure on the limited resources and leaving many Indians in absolute poverty. 

India is very poor in terms of education, in terms of economic improvement, infrastructure, health care, etc. Here are some of the problems facing India today. In today's India, there is nothing but:
What we see dirty politics, corruption and communal politics by our great politics and Indian National party especially communal politics by BJP, RSS and others. What a magic!

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